Search About HerbsSearch by keywords: Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Search by Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZHawthorn Purported Uses: Cardiovascular disease , Digestion , Hypertension,HMB Purported Uses: Cancer-related cachexia , HIV- and AIDS-associated wasting, Strength and stamina , Weight gain,Homeopathy Purported Uses: Allergies , Infection , Inflammation , Anxiety , Depression , Cancer treatment side effects,Hoodia Purported Uses: Weight loss,Hops Purported Uses: Arthritis , Fibromyalgia , Insomnia , Menopausal symptoms , Diabetes,Horse Chestnut Purported Uses: Circulatory disorders, Diarrhea , Hemorrhoids , Phlebitis , Varicose veins,Hoxsey Herbal Therapy Purported Uses: Cancer treatment,Huanglian Purported Uses: Diarrhea , Ear infections , Hypertension , Microbial infection , Respiratory infections,Huperzia serrata Purported Uses: Alzheimer’s disease , Dementia, cognitive decline , Nerve agent poisoning , Myasthenia gravis , Neuropathy,Hydrazine Sulfate Purported Uses: Cancer treatment , Cancer-related cachexia , Weight gain , Weight maintenance,About HerbsExpert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more