Search About HerbsSearch by keywords: Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Search by Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZRed Clover Purported Uses: Chest congestion , Menopausal symptoms, Spasms,Red Yeast Rice Purported Uses: High cholesterol,Reishi Mushroom Purported Uses: Fatigue , High cholesterol , HIV and AIDS , Hypertension , Immunostimulation , Inflammation , Strength and stamina , Viral infections , Lower urinary tract symptoms,Resveratrol Purported Uses: Cancer prevention or treatment , Diabetes , Heart disease , Memory and cognitive function,Rhodiola Purported Uses: Depression , Fatigue , Enhanced mental and physical performance,Rhubarb Purported Uses: Cancer treatment , Constipation , Fever , Hypertension , Immunosuppression , Inflammation , Microbial infection , Peptic ulcers,Rooibos Tea Purported Uses: Acne , Allergy , Aging , Asthma , Cancer , Colic, Eczema , High blood pressure , Hypoglycemic control , Insomnia,Royal Jelly Purported Uses: Menopausal symptoms , Osteoporosis , Cholesterol management , Male infertility , Diabetes Mucositis,About HerbsExpert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more