Search About HerbsSearch by keywords: Generic selectors Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors Search by Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZFenugreek Purported Uses: Alopecia, Arthritis, Cancer treatment, Diabetes, GI disorders, High cholesterol, Induce childbirth, Infections, Inflammation, Lactation stimulation, Lymphadenitis, Muscle pain, Promote urination, Skin ulcers, Wound healing,Feverfew Purported Uses: Arthritis, Dysmenorrhea, Migraine prophylaxis, Psoriasis,Flaxseed Purported Uses: Cancer prevention, Constipation, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Menopausal symptoms, Mucositis, Periodontal disease, Premenstrual syndrome, Radiation therapy side effects,Folate Purported Uses: Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer prevention, Cardiovascular disease, Neural tube defect prevention,Forskolin Purported Uses: Allergies, Asthma, Cancer treatment, Congestive heart failure, Glaucoma, Hypertension, Weight loss,Fucoidan Purported Uses: Anticancer effects, Hypertension, Immunostimulation, Inflammation, Infections, Prevent blood clots,About HerbsExpert advice and information on supplements, integrative medicine treatments, and more