Papaya leaf extract has not been shown to treat or prevent cancer.
Papaya tree is common to many tropical regions of the world. Papaya leaves and their extracts are sold as dietary supplements to improve the immune system and platelet counts, and to prevent side effects of chemotherapy. Laboratory and animal studies show that papaya leaf extracts can stop the growth of a variety of bacteria, improve platelet count, and reduce stomach damage caused by alcohol. This product has not been studied in cancer patients.
Purported Uses
Lab studies show that papaya leaf extracts can stop the growth of a variety of bacteria.
Improve platelet count
A papaya leaf extract increased platelet count in a patient with Dengue fever. More studies are needed.
Side Effects
Papaya leaf extract has not been tested in humans. It showed low toxicity in animal studies.
Special Point
Papaya leaf extracts should not be used as a treatment for cancer or for low platelet count until more is known about its efficacy and adverse effects in humans.
Scientific Name
Carica papaya
Clinical Summary
Papaya tree is commonly found in tropical areas around the world. The fruits are consumed as food and medicine; dried and powdered stems and leaves are used to prepare medicinal teas against infections and to improve digestion. Papaya leaves and their extracts are also marketed as dietary supplements to enhance the immune system, improve platelet function, and prevent chemotherapy-related adverse effects.
Papaya leaves exhibit immunomodulatory (1), antioxidant (9), and anticancer (11)(12) effects in vitro. The leaf extracts contain antibacterial compounds that inhibit the growth of a wide variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (4). In mice, a powdered suspension of papaya leaves increased thrombocyte count (2) and a water extract reduced alcohol-induced stomach damage (5). Hypoglycemic effects were also reported with use of papaya leaf extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (10), and it was shown to have low toxicity (6).
According to a case report, a water extract of papaya leaves increased the platelet count of a patient with Dengue fever (3). Data from a randomized study confirm these findings in patients with thrombocytopenia associated with Dengue fever (13). An international patent has been filed for its use in increasing low platelet counts (7). Papaya leaf extracts should not be used as a treatment for cancer or for low platelet count until more is known about its efficacy and adverse effects in humans.
Purported Uses
Improve platelet count
Mechanism of Action
Papaya leaf extract modulates the immune system by enhancing the production of Th1 type cytokines, such as interleukin (IL-12), interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha). Fractions with molecular weight less of than 1000 are most active in inhibiting tumor cell growth (1). Papaya leaf extract also has antioxidant effects (5) and contains antibacterial and phenolic compounds (6)(8) but the mechanism of action remains unclear.
Herb Lab Interactions
According to a case report, a water extract of papaya leaf increased platelet count (3).
Rahman S, Imran M, Muhammad N, et al. Antibacetial screening of leaves and stem of Carica papaya. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2011; 5(20):5167-5171.