Registration form PATIENT INFORMATIONMr.Mrs.MissLast NameFirst NameMiddle NameMarital statusSingleMarriedDivorcedSeperatedWidowIs this your legal name?YesNoIf not, what is your legal name?Pharmacy:Birth Date:Age:Sex:MaleFemaleStreet Address:Social Security no:Home phone no:P.O. box:City:State:ZIP Code:Occupation:Employer Address:Employer phone no:Dr.Insurance PlanHospitalChose clinic because/Referred to clinic by:FamilyFriendClose to home/workYellow PagesOtherNames of family members seen here:INSURANCE INFORMATIONPerson responsible for bill:Birth date:Address (if different):Home phone no.:Is this person a patient here?YesNoOccupationEmployerEmployer phone no:Employer address:Is this patient covered by insurance?YesNoPlease indicate primary insuranceMedicareBCBSMeridian MedicaidCofinityPriority Health (PPO & HMO)AetnaRail Road MedicareAARPASR HealthOtherSubscriber’s name:Subscriber’s S.S. no:Birth date:Group no:Policy no.:Co-payment:Patient’s relationship to subscriber:SelfSpouseChildOtherName of secondary insurance (if applicable):Subscriber’s name:Group no:Policy no:Patient’s relationship to subscriber:SelfSpouseChildOtherIN CASE OF EMERGENCYName of local friend or relative:Relationship to patient:Home phone no:Work phone no:The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I authorize my insurance benefits be paid directly to the: physician. I understand that I am financially responsible for any balance. I also authorize my insurance company to release any information required to process my claims.